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From DynamicPageList3 Manual
Revision as of 22:05, 2 October 2022 by imported>FrozenPlum (Add link to the changelog)

DynamicPageList3 (DPL3) is a powerful MediaWiki extension that generate lists of pages, page properties (metadata), and/or template parameter values, for display in other articles. DPL3 lists are automatically updated whenever the data it fetches changes and the cache is cleared or expires. The output can be formatted to create a range of displays from lists (the default format), to in-line paragraph text/content, tables, galleries, navigation, and many other possibilities.

As a basic example, DPL3 can be used to insert in a wiki page, an always-current list of all pages of a particular category. The data displayed may be selected and sorted based on factors like author, namespace, date, name pattern, usage of templates, or references to other articles, with a variety of custom formatting.


  • For Miraheze (WikiFarm) users, the DPL3 MediaWiki extension is already installed, it simply needs to be enabled by a user with the appropriate privileges in Meta:ManageWiki.


DPL3 has a variety of configuration settings that can be used, as well as a number of defaults that are important to note. Settings should be defined before enabling the extension.

  • For Miraheze (WikiFarm) users, the DPL3 MediaWiki extension is already configured.

Limiting results and resource consumption

To prevent a DPL3 query from returning huge output (or consuming too many resources such as CPU or causing database load). The following configuration variables are noteworthy:

Setting Default Description
$wgDplSettings['maxQueryTime'] 10000 Limits the time amount (in milliseconds) allowed for database queries.
$wgDplSettings['maxCategoryCount'] 4 Limits the number of categories allowed in queries (default is 4).
$wgDplSettings['maxResultCount'] 500 Limits the number of results returned in a query (default is 500).
$wgDplSettings['runFromProtectedPagesOnly'] false Causes DPL3 to only run from protected pages (if set to true), which can aid administrators having problems with malicious user activity resulting in computationally expensive queries.

Note: For Miraheze users, these settings are set by Miraheze.

Functional richness

DynamicPageList3 has different levels of functional richness, which can be configured as needed. Higher levels of functionality should be considered carefully and used sparingly.

Note: For Miraheze users, these settings are set by Miraheze.

Setting Value Description
$wgDplSettings['functionalRichness'] 0 Provides functionality equivalent to Wikimedia's DynamicPageList (also known as Intersection).
$wgDplSettings['functionalRichness'] 1 Adds additional parameters for formatting.
$wgDplSettings['functionalRichness'] 2 Adds features (performance equivalent) for pagelinks and templates.
$wgDplSettings['functionalRichness'] 3 Allows more-expensive inclusion features, such as queries on revision level, and regular expression queries (default).
$wgDplSettings['functionalRichness'] 4 Permits potentially dangerous and exotic batch delete and update operations; not recommended for public websites. Also includes extra debugging parameters for development and testing.

Important: Some levels of functional richness can cause high database or CPU load, and should be carefully considered.


Setting Default Description
$wgDplSettings['allowedNamespaces'] null All existing namespaces are used by default when DPL3 is initialized. An array of namespace constants can be provided to restrict DPL3 to only working in the specified namespaces.
$wgDplSettings['allowUnlimitedCategories'] false Ignores 'maxCategoryCount' and allows unlimited categories, if set to true. Note that large numbers of categories in queries can cause servers to slow or crash.
$wgDplSettings['allowUnlimitedResults'] false Ignores 'maxResultCount' and allows unlimited results, if set to true. Note that large sets of results may cause pages to slow or fail to load.
$wgDplSettings['alwaysCacheResults'] false Ignores 'allowcachedresults' and enables the parser cache, if set to true.
$wgDplSettings['categoryStyleListCutoff'] 6 Maximum number of items permitted in a category list, additional are cut off.
$wgDplSettings['handleSectionTag'] false Set this to have DPL3 handle open tags outside DPL parser tags.
$wgDplSettings['minCategoryCount'] 0 Minimum number of categories permitted in DPL3 queries.
$wgDplSettings['recursiveTagParse'] false Performs recursive parsing on open parser tags, converting tags and functions (for example, magic words like {{PAGENAME}}). Though it may not work the same in all cases, this functions similarly to the {{#dpl}} DPL3 parser function (see Other Modules).
$wgDplSettings['queryCacheTime'] 0 Specifies the amount of time to cache a query for, the query cache then cannot be purged. Values between 30 and 600 are suggested.


The General use and invocation syntax page is essential to read, to understand the fundamentals of DPL3 use, it is not recommended to skip this section of the manual.

Primary DPL3 module

These sections contain documentation on DPL3's primary module. This is the DPL3 functionality used most often, and has a wide range of powerful coding options.

Other DPL3 modules

These sections detail some additional functions provided by the DPL3 extension.

More information