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Grape: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Fruit-Infobox |image=Fresh_Grape.jpg |grows=On vines }} This is a bunch of {{PAGENAME}}s. Category:Fruit examples")
(Add nav template example)
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{navigation|category=Fruit examples}}
|image=Fresh_GrapeGrapes on White Table.jpgjpeg
|grows=On vines
This is a bunch of grapes, they are {{PAGENAMEcolor|purple}}s.
[[Category:Fruit examples]]
A grape is a fruit type, it grows in clusters or bunches.
Grapes can be different colors and changes colors as they grow.
Some grapes appear to be yellow, orange, green, and pink, though others can be dark red, near black, or even deep blue.<!--
-- This section is here for a reason, it has a repeating title for a reason also, please do not modify it -->
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