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==Self Reminders==
It would be good to have examples in-line, in the parameter's page section, that display a full selection of examples specific to a given parameter. Ideally, these should be named with parameter name first (this allows examples to also be quickly-skimmable for what user want, from different entry points, and makes the reader do less work) followed by "example" or "(Example)".
I think it would be good to have example pages named after their parameters if those examples pertain mostly to that parameter, and categorized appropriately. The logic for this, is so users can look for a parameter name they want examples for (in the example category) and '''find''' what they're looking for. An issue behind the former sites, was needing to comb though pages, use the TOD repeatedly for multiple sections, click every example, or use find in-browser to look at for the corresponding section and then example. The DPL2 site had an examples category, but the examples had generic names like "Example 02". The DPL3 site had examples in-line (though too many probably would cause issues), so started linking to external pages with a "see example" statement with no category and vague titles like (Example:_Display_images_used) which said little about which parameter was being employed (there are several ways to display images). Ideally, I'd like to categorize based on param use regardless of example name, use clearer example names (if possible), so that lists can be generated for examples that uses x parameter, at least for the ones other than criteria for page selection, for example. I'll have to give that some more thought as to how this might work, or not work. '''Relevant examples just need to be ''way'' easier to find.'''
The logic is to cater to different '''entry points''' to the information:
Perhaps also some different, carefully curated subcategories for certain things, examples using images, examples by namespace/notnamespace, examples based on template use, etc.
# '''Comprehensive''' - From in-line, linking to "more" or a larger selection of examples for that parameter and different use cases).
# '''Task-based''' - When familiar with DPL3 but looking for a specific starting point to quick copy/paste without having to sift though the pages, TOCs and their corresponding docs sections--A problem with the current Gamepedia DPL3 Manual).
Examples ''may'' need their own pages, perhaps, so they can be categorized per parameter use, and then transcluded into the other pages I mention ^ above. I'm still thinking about a system of sorts for this, it may take some time to hatch a solid plan.
The DPL2 site had an ''Examples'' category, but the examples had generic names like "Example 02" which made the task-based approach not feasible because you'd either have to click every one, or users had to sift though manual sections like the Gamepedia Manual. Also, too many in-line can cause issues, so started linking to external pages with a "see example". Some titles are a little strange, like "Example:_Display_images_used" but a good idea for when users want to display images! '''Relevant examples just need to be ''way'' easier to find,''' which is why I'd need some time to think about approaching this in a systematic way.
===Templates using Variables and Loops==
The following use Variables (also some use Loops, plus string functions enabled in ManageWiki for parser functions), which will perhaps need simplification and replacement later:
# {{tl|DPL parameter}} – for linking to a parameter (also linked to current DPL syntax template, where the global vars are declared).
# {{tl|DPL syntax}} – for displaying variations on <code>mode=<i>modename</i></code>
#* Am considering replacing with <code><nowiki>{{syntax|text{{=}}value}}</nowiki></code>
# {{tl|And}} – Possibly never would have found this if I hadn't been going through the pages and templates individually... since there seemsappears to be no tracking categories for some extensions.
# {{tl|Key}} - Not sure this template complexity is really necessary at all.
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