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Other parameters: Difference between revisions

Swap DPL3 template to DPL since the former users vars and loops and those are currently turned off for testing.
m (Saves on pages that used loops, to test if disabling loops had any change/effect on frequency of 502s/503s)
m (Swap DPL3 template to DPL since the former users vars and loops and those are currently turned off for testing.)
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;reset=links: will throw away all references to other pages, i.e., links contained in included contents and links like 'Q Link' will be ignored. This means that all links can be used in the normal "FORWARD" way, but no "BACKLINKS" are available for them.
If you want to avoid the above described effect of <code>reset</code> on your 'own' links, you can use {{dpl3DPL|eliminate}}. But you should know that ''eliminate'' is rather expensive in terms of computer power, as it does a second parse for all included contents.
<u>In parser function mode ('''<nowiki>{{#DPL:....}}</nowiki>'''):</u>
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As you see, using <code>reset</code> in parser function mode will clear everything, regardless whether it comes from included contents or whether it is direct part of the document containing the DPL query.
If you want to avoid the above described effect of <code>reset</code>, you can use {{dpl3DPL|eliminate}}</code>. But you should know that ''eliminate'' is rather expensive in terms of computing power, as it does a second parse for all included contents. The extra parser step is conducted as soon as you specify <code>eliminate</code>. In terms of extra processing needed, it does not make a difference whether you specify one or more arguments for the 'eliminate' command.
If you have '''more than one DPL query''' in a document the effects will depend on the exact mode (parser extension or parser function mode), on the sequence of the statements and on the presence of 'reset' or 'eliminate' statements in each of the queries and on their individual arguments. As this is a very rare case, we only give a simple rule of thumb here: Once you have used 'reset' in parser function mode or 'reset=links' in parser extension mode, the effect of these statements will dominate the rest.
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As a side effect of using <code>reset=all</code> your article will not appear in a category even if you literally assign it to one.
The <code>fixcategory</code> allows you to make a category assignment which is not blocked by the {{dpl3DPL|reset}} command.
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* <code>all</code> &mdash; a synonym for all of the above
The output of a DPL statement typically creates links to all pages which are part of the result set. The inclusion of contents from other pages via DPL (using {{dpl3DPL|include}}) normally has these consequences:
* the page containing the DPL query becomes part of the categories of the transcluded page
* shares ('adopts') their use of templates
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The <code>eliminate</code> parameter will suppress all or some of the effects described above.
For further explanation, see {{dpl3DPL|reset}}.
Please note that the use of <code>eliminate</code> needs a considerable amount of extra computing power as it performs a second parser step for each included document.
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This list will output the error for the first namespace: ''Media'' is not a valid [[#namespace|namespace]] value (pseudo-namespace). Assuming you haven't changed the default debug value (2), you will also get a warning: <code>debug=1</code> is not input first (before <code>namespace=Media</code>). So, it did not apply to <code>namespace=Media</code> but only to what's after. Indeed, you won't get the warning for the second namespace (''Special'') since <code>debug=0</code> changed debug settings to silent mode.
DPL debug messages are translatable in <code>DynamicPageList2.i18n.php</code>. See also [[#Internationalization]].
'<code>debug=1'</code> will suppress warning messages (e.g., if the result set of a DPL query is empty). As an alternative, you can use the {{dpl3DPL|suppresserrors}} statement.
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See also: [[Template:Extension DPL scroll]] and {{dpl3DPL|Scrollingscrolling}}
Note <code>execandexit</code> acts like a short-circuit evaluation. This means, for example, that successive statements to influence caching behaviour (like {{dpl3DPL|allowcachedresults}}) will not be interpreted.
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