
From DynamicPageList3 Manual
Revision as of 08:03, 29 March 2022 by imported>FrozenPlum

This is not my wiki, I'm just a Miraheze user helping to get some content moved over. Feel free to reach me on my Talk page.

Self Reminders

I need to hatch a proper plan for demo pages, it is not ideal to have manual pages manifest inside the manual (can be a bit confusing to new uers on the old site). Ideally it would be optimal to have a few sets or collections of examples (e.g., fruit, pastries, cities, whatever) that's overly simple and nearly impossible to confuse other site content). I'd like some times to think about how this is done similarly to the examples used in the Help:Tables on It is best practice to begin with the simplest examples possible, avoid abiguity, and only add complexity as the complexity of the task increases. So, I'll have to think of some categories for these also (maybe "demo pages" and then category:fruit, category:pastry category:city etc)... It shouldn't take many.


It would be good to have "more examples" links in-line, in each parameter's page section, that display a full selection of examples specific to a given parameter. Ideally, these should be named with parameter name first followed by "example" or "(Example)" (this allows examples to be quickly-skimmable from different entry points, like the Examples page, where it would make readers do less work to find what they want).

The logic is to cater to different audiences and entry points to the information:

  1. Comprehensive – Audience: Average or infrequent visitors, needing to re-read parameter sections – Examples still say in-line, just also linking to "more examples" for a larger selection of and different use cases/examples for that parameter.
  2. Task-based – Audience: Moderate to advanced and/or frequent visitors, already having read the parameter sections. – Allows a fast starting point/reference, or quick copy/paste of example code to adapt, without having to sift though the longer pages or their TOCs (A problem with the current Gamepedia DPL3 Manual).

Individual examples for "More Examples" may need their own pages, so they can be categorized by parameter use, and then transcluded or DPL3 included, into the other pages mentioned ^ above. I'm still thinking about a system of sorts for this, it may take some time to hatch a solid plan.

The DPL2 site had an Examples category, but the examples had generic names like "Example 002" which made the task-based approach not feasible because you'd either have to click every one, or had to sift though manual sections like the Gamepedia Manual currently. Also, too many in-line examlpes can cause issues. Some titles are a little strange, like "Example:_Display_images_used" but that type of categorization and/or page might be a good idea for when users want to see different ways to display images! Relevant examples, to the task at hand, just need to be way easier to find, which is why I'd need some time to think about approaching this systematically.

=Templates using Variables and Loops

The following use Variables (also some use Loops, plus string functions enabled in ManageWiki for parser functions), which will perhaps need simplification and replacement later:

  1. {{DPL parameter}} – for linking to a parameter (also linked to current DPL syntax template, where the global vars are declared).
  2. {{DPL syntax}} – for displaying variations on mode=modename
    • Am considering replacing with {{syntax|text{{=}}value}}
  3. {{And}} – Possibly never would have found this if I hadn't been going through pages and templates individually... since there appears to be no tracking categories for some extensions.
  4. {{Key}} - Not sure this template complexity is really necessary at all.